Trade Certifications And Permissions

Trade Certifications And Permissions

Trade License is a license or permission issued by municipal corporation granting permission to hold on a specific business at a specific address. It ensures that the citizens aren’t adversely suffering from hazard and nuisance by the improper carrying of trade


Eligibility for getting a trade license:-

  • Minimum ages (18 years)
  • Person must not have any criminal records

List of Required Documents

  • Address Proof and Identity Proof – Individual.
  • Affidavit
  • Cancelled Cheque and statement .
  • Documentary proof of establishment of trade.
  • Lease Deed of the constitution.
  • NOC from the land-owning agency.

Time Required:-

Trade license has got to be obtained within 7-10 days in metropolitan cities, it’ll take time as in 35- 40 working days in  small cities and rural areas.

Important points:-

  • Application has got to made before you begin running your business
  • Renewal must be filled in 30 days before expiry of the license
  • Once license issued and it’s to be maintained on annual basis


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